With DTCE quote calculator, you can get a very accurate estimate for your project in minutes. Simply choose your inquiries, and select your project type. Enter your email address to receive your free quote instantly.
This tool helps you estimate how much your project will cost
Director (CPENG)
Associate (CPENG)
Senior Engineer (CPENG)
Senior Engineer

Project types &
Each project is different and we price our services individually depending on a number of factors.
The design costs opposite are an estimate for rough budgeting purposes only.
Please contact us today for a job specific quote.

Cost Calculator for
Once you’ve completed the form below, you would then be emailed the results – we will then follow up with you to discuss your results if you’ve chosen for us to give you a call back.

We are provede a range of structural engineering services across all types of residential and commercial properties. Whether you are looking for structural input into a loft conversion, extension or other alterations, of if you need an expert structural feasibility assessment, we can help. Our engineers are experts in beam design and calculations and specific structural surveys.
Use our form to get an instant online quote for beam design and calculations, structural feasibility assessments and specific structural surveys. If you are not sure what type of service you need, if you need advice on next steps, please contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.